June 6, 2014

Stop Wasting Money On WebLogic, WebSphere, And JBoss Application Servers

Use Apache Tomcat. It is free. I don’t understand why firms spend millions of dollars on Java application servers like Oracle Weblogic or IBM WebSphere Application […]
December 25, 2013

How To Send HTTP Request GET/POST In Java Using Apache Client

Apache provides an HttpClient library using which we can send get and post requests to a server. Another method for http requests is provided by the […]
November 7, 2013

SOAP Vs RESTFul for Mobile Services – Which one to use ?

Overview Many enterprises are creating mobile applications for their internal staff, for their customers, or both.  These applications need access to data, business rules, and business […]
June 18, 2013

How To Send HTTP Request GET/POST In Java

A brief Introduction   Client server architecture requires two parts as main resources: Client and Server